Self-Organized Criticality¶
#@title imports
%tensorflow_version 2.x
import math
import tqdm
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
!pip install -q tsalib
import tsalib
import networkx
!pip install -q jplotlib
import jplotlib as jpl
!pip install -q livelossplot
from livelossplot import PlotLossesKeras
!pip install -q powerlaw
import powerlaw
import tensorflow as tf
keras = tf.keras
tfkl = keras.layers
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
tfd = tfp.distributions
tfpl = tfp.layers
tfb = tfp.bijectors
Building wheel for powerlaw ( ... done
#@title utils
def Bernoulli(p, shape=None):
return tf.cast(tf.random.uniform(shape) < p, tf.float32)
def clear_diag(A):
return A * (1 - tf.eye(tf.shape(A)[-2], tf.shape(A)[-1]))
def TODO(reason=""):
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: " + reason)
Let $N=( \mathbf{a}, \mathbf{\bar{a}}, C )$ be a $n$-node network where
- $\mathbf{a} = a_{1,2,\dots,n} \in [0,1]^{b \times n}$ are its node states
- $\mathbf{\bar{a}} = \bar{a}_{1,2,\dots,n} \in [0,1]^{b \times n}$ are its mean node states
- $C = \{c_{ij}\} \in [-1, 1]^{n \times n}$ is its connectivity matrix from node $i$ to node $j$
At every time step:
- all nodes update their state by $\mathbf{a}' \sim P(\sigma(\mathbf{a}C))$
- update mean activations $\mathbf{\bar{a}}' = \alpha \mathbf{a} + (1 - \alpha) \mathbf{\bar{a}}$
- one node $j$ is uniformly selected for presynaptic connectivity $C_{:,j}$ update by:
- if $\bar{a_j} > +1-\epsilon$, randomly make one input $k$ negative $C_{k,j} = -1$
- if $\bar{a_j} < -1+\epsilon$, randomly make one input $k$ positive $C_{k,j} = +1$
- otherwise, randomly remove one input $C_{?,j} = 0$
- $n =$ number neurons
- $b =$ batch size
- $\beta \in (0, \infty) =$ inverse temperature. Higher values decrease entropy.
- $P =$ the Bernoilli distribution
- $\epsilon =$ update threshold
- $\alpha \in [0, 1] =$ mean activation update window
p = params = dict(n=32, b=1, beta=2, epsilon=0.2, alpha=0.1)
def update(inputs):
a, a_ave, C = inputs
a = tfp.distributions.Bernoulli(logits=p['beta'] * (a @ C)).sample()
a = tf.cast(a, tf.float32)
a_ave = p['alpha'] * a + (1 - p['alpha']) * a_ave
js = tf.random.uniform(shape=(p['b'],), minval=0, maxval=p['n'], dtype=tf.int32) # dest nodes
ks = tf.random.uniform(shape=(p['b'],), minval=0, maxval=p['n'], dtype=tf.int32) # src nodes
for b in tf.range(p['b']):
j = js[b]
k = ks[b]
if a_ave[b, j] > +1 - p['epsilon']:
elif a_ave[b, j] < p['epsilon']:
return (a, a_ave, C)
def loop(data, duration=1000):
for _ in tf.range(duration):
data = update(data)
return data
a = tf.zeros((params['b'], params['n']))
a_ave = tf.zeros((params['b'], params['n']))
C = tf.zeros((params['n'], params['n']))
C = tf.Variable(C)
#C = tf.random.uniform((params['n'], params['n']), minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0)
states = (a, a_ave, C)
T_step = 100
N = 20
N_col = 5
N_row = math.ceil(N / N_col)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=N_row, ncols=N_col, figsize=(3*N_col, 3*N_row))
for n in tqdm.tqdm(range(N)):
a, a_ave, C = loop((a, a_ave, C), duration=T_step)
col = n % N_col
row = n // N_col
axes[row, col].axis('off')
axes[row, col].imshow(C)
100%|██████████| 20/20 [00:09<00:00, 2.21it/s]
keras layer¶
class CriticalLayer0(tfkl.Layer):
def __init__(self, p=None, **kwargs):
super(CriticalLayer0, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if p is None:
p = dict()
self.p = CriticalLayer0.DEFAULT_PARAMS
def build(self, input_shape):
self.p['b'], self.p['n'] = input_shape.as_list()
self.a_ave = tf.zeros((self.p['b'], self.p['n']), dtype=tf.float32)
self.C = tf.random.uniform((self.p['n'], self.p['n']), dtype=tf.float32)
self.C = tf.Variable(self.C)
def call(self, inputs):
a = inputs
for _ in tf.range(self.p['steps_update']):
a = self._single_update(a)
return a
def _single_update(self, a):
a = self.p['beta'] * (a @ self.C)
a = tfd.Bernoulli(logits=a).sample()
a = tf.cast(a, tf.float32)
self.a_ave = self.p['alpha'] * a + (1 - self.p['alpha']) * self.a_ave
js = tf.random.uniform(shape=(self.p['b'],),
minval=0, maxval=self.p['n'],
dtype=tf.int32) # dest nodes
ks = tf.random.uniform(shape=(self.p['b'],),
minval=0, maxval=self.p['n'],
dtype=tf.int32) # src nodes
for b in tf.range(self.p['b']):
j = js[b]
k = ks[b]
if self.a_ave[b, j] > +1 - self.p['epsilon']:
elif self.a_ave[b, j] < self.p['epsilon']:
return a
layer = CriticalLayer0(dict(
a = tf.zeros((1, 64))
a = layer(a)
C_orig = layer.C.numpy()
with jpl.GridPlot(ncols=12, width=18) as grid_plot:
for _ in range(30):
a = layer(a)
C_diff = C_orig - layer.C
The self-organizing recurrent network (SORN) consists of excitatory $x\in\mathbb{R}^{N_E}$ and inhibitory $y\in\mathbb{R}^{N_I}$ neurons ($N_I = 0.2 \times N_E$) connected in a system of boolean update equations with fast and slow acting responses
- excitatory to excitatory connections $W^{EE} \in \mathbb{R}^{N_E \times N_E}$; $w^{EE}_{ij} \sim \mathcal{B}(p=0.1)\mathcal{U}(0, s^2=0.1)$ without self-connections $w^{EE}_{ij}=0 \Leftrightarrow i=j$
- inhibitory to excitatory connections $W^{EI} \in \mathbb{R}^{N_E \times N_I}$; $w^{EI}_{ij} \sim \mathcal{B}(p=0.2)\mathcal{U}(0, s^2=0.1)$ without self-connections $w^{EI}_{ij}=0 \Leftrightarrow i=j$
- excitatory to inhibitory connections $W^{IE} \in \mathbb{R}^{N_I \times N_E}$; $w^{IE}_{ij} \sim \mathcal{U}(0, s^2=0.1)$ without self-connections $w^{IE}_{ij}=0 \Leftrightarrow i=j$
- input noise $\zeta^{E/I} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu=0, \sigma^2=0.05)$
- external input $u^{ext}(t) = 0\ \mathrm{(default)}$
- excitatory and inhibitory activation thresholds $T^{E/I} \in \mathbb{R}^{N_E/N_I}$; $T^E \sim \mathcal{U}(0, T^E_{max}=0.5)$, $T^I \sim \mathcal{U}(0, T^I_{max}=1.0)$
#@title architecture params
architecture_params = dict(
N_E = 200,
N_I = int(0.2 * 200),
Fast Dynamics¶
#@title init fast dynamics params
def heaveside_step_fn(x):
return tf.cast(x > 0, tf.float32)
fast_params = dict(
activation_fn = heaveside_step_fn,
T_E_max = 0.5,
T_I_max = 1.0,
constant_T_E = None,
constant_T_I = None,
zeta_E_mu = 0.0,
zeta_E_s2 = 0.05,
zeta_I_mu = 0.0,
zeta_I_s2 = 0.05,
W_EE_p = 0.1,
W_EE_s2 = 0.1,
W_EI_p = 0.2,
W_EI_s2 = 0.1,
W_IE_p = 1.0,
W_IE_s2 = 0.1,
u_ext = 0,
def init_fast_params(p):
if 'N_I' not in p:
p['N_I'] = 0.2 * p['N_E']
N_E, N_I = p['N_E'], p['N_I']
T_E = p['constant_T_E'] if p['constant_T_E'] else
tf.random.uniform(shape=(N_E, 1), minval=0,
T_I = p['constant_T_I'] if p['constant_T_I'] else
tf.random.uniform(shape=(N_I, 1), minval=0,
W_EE = Bernoulli(p=p['W_EE_p'], shape=(N_E, N_E))
* tf.random.normal(shape=(N_E, N_E), mean=0.0,
stddev=p['W_EE_s2'] ** 0.5),
W_EI = Bernoulli(p=p['W_EI_p'], shape=(N_E, N_I))
* tf.random.normal(shape=(N_E, N_I), mean=0.0,
stddev=p['W_EI_s2'] ** 0.5),
W_IE = Bernoulli(p=p['W_IE_p'], shape=(N_I, N_E))
* tf.random.normal(shape=(N_I, N_E), mean=0.0,
stddev=p['W_IE_s2'] ** 0.5),
x = tf.zeros((N_E, 1)),
y = tf.zeros((N_I, 1)),
x_prev = tf.zeros((N_E, 1)),
y_prev = tf.zeros((N_I, 1)),
return p
Fast-acting behavior affects both excitatory $x$ and inhibitory $y$ neurons by
$$x(t+1) = \Theta \biggl [ W^{EE}(t)x(t) - W^{EI}(t)y(t) + u^{ext}(t) + \xi^E(t) - T^E(t) \biggr ]$$
$$y(t+1) = \Theta \biggl [ W^{IE}(t)x(t) + \xi^I(t) - T^I(t) \biggr ]$$
def fast_update(p):
p['x_prev'] = p['x']
p['y_prev'] = p['y']
zeta_E = tf.random.normal(shape=(p['N_E'], 1),
stddev=p['zeta_E_s2'] ** 0.5)
zeta_I = tf.random.normal(shape=(p['N_I'], 1),
stddev=p['zeta_I_s2'] ** 0.5)
p['x'] = p['activation_fn'](p['W_EE'] @ p['x_prev']
- p['W_EI'] @ p['y_prev']
+ p['u_ext'][:, None]
+ zeta_E
- p['T_E'])
p['y'] = p['activation_fn'](p['W_IE'] @ p['x_prev']
+ zeta_I
- p['T_I'])
return p
Slow Adaptations¶
#@title init slow adaptation params
#@markdown "Assuming one time step equals 10 to 20 ms, these constants resulted in an average firing rate in the 5 − 10 Hz range." (Papa 2017)
slow_params = dict(
eta_STDP = 0.004,
eta_inh = 0.001,
eta_SP = 0.001,
p_SP_0 = 0.1,
mu_IP = 0.1,
s2_IP = 0.0, # "for simplicity, it could be set to the network average
# firing rate μIP, thus being equal for all neurons"
eta_IP = 0.01,
def init_slow_params(p):
H_IP = tf.random.normal(shape=(p['N_E'],),
p_SP = (p['N_E']*((p['N_E']-1)) /
(200*(200-1))) * p['p_SP_0'],
del p['p_SP_0']
return p
- Spike Timing Dependant Plasticity (STDP) makes synapse $w^{EE}_{ij}$ decrease when $i$ activates before $j$ (since the connection must've not been important) and increase when $i$ activate after $j$ (since the connection made a significant contribution). It has no effect when one of the values is $0$: $$\Delta w^{EE}_{ij} = \eta_{STDP}[x_i(t)x_j(t-1) - x_j(t)x_i(t-1)]$$
def STDP(p):
p['W_EE'] = p['W_EE'] + p['eta_STDP'] * (
p['x'] * tf.transpose(p['x_prev'])
-tf.transpose(p['x']) * p['x_prev'])
return p
- Inhibitory Spike Timing Dependant Plasticity (iSTDP) increases (decreases) the strength of existing ($w^{EI}_{ij}>0$) inhibitory to excitatory connections when they are unsucessful (sucessful) at inhibiting their downstream excitatory neurons. Inhibitory synaptic growth is (target firing rate $\mu_{IP}$ times) slower to strengthen synapses than weaken them: $$\begin{align*} \Delta w^{EI}_{ij} =& \frac{\eta_{inh}}{\mu_{IP}}x_i(t)y_j(t-1) - \eta_{inh}(1-x_i(t))y_j(t-1) \\ =& -\eta_{inh}y_j(t-1)[1-x_i(t)(1+1/\mu_{IP})] \end{align*}$$
def iSTDP(p):
p['W_EI'] = p['W_EI'] + p['eta_inh'] * tf.transpose(p['y_prev']) * \
(1 - p['x'] * (1 + 1/p['mu_IP']))
return p
- Synaptic normalization normalizes input for $W^{EE}$ and $W^{EI}$ to $1$: $$W^{EE/EI}_{ij} \leftarrow W^{EE/EI}_{ij} / \sum_j W^{EE/EI}_{ij}$$
def synaptic_normalization(p):
p['W_EE'] = p['W_EE'] / (tf.reduce_sum(p['W_EE'], axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-3)
p['W_EI'] = p['W_EI'] / (tf.reduce_sum(p['W_EI'], axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-3)
return p
- Structural Plasticity (SP) randomly adds small values synapses ($\eta_{SP}=0.001$) between unconnected neurons by Bernoili probability factor $p_{SP}$ which scales quatratically with respect to the number of nodes $p_{SP}(N^E) = \frac{N^E(N^E-1)}{200(199)}p_{SP}(N^E=200)$ with the base case $p_{SP}(N^E=200) = 0.1$. $$w^{EE/EI}_{ij} \leftarrow \eta_{SP}\mathcal{B}(p_{SP}) \Leftrightarrow w^{EE/EI}_{ij} = 0$$
def structural_plasticity(p):
no_W_EE_synapses_mask = tf.cast(p['W_EE'] == 0, tf.float32)
new_W_EE_synapses = p['eta_SP'] * Bernoulli(p['p_SP'], shape=p['W_EE'].shape)
p['W_EE'] = p['W_EE'] + no_W_EE_synapses_mask * new_W_EE_synapses
no_W_EI_synapses_mask = tf.cast(p['W_EI'] == 0, tf.float32)
new_W_EI_synapses = p['eta_SP'] * Bernoulli(p['p_SP'], shape=p['W_EI'].shape)
p['W_EI'] = p['W_EI'] + no_W_EI_synapses_mask * new_W_EI_synapses
return p
- Intrinsic plasticity (IP) homeostatically adapts excitatory firing thresholds to maintain a mean firing rate $H_{IP} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{IP}=0.1, \sigma_{IP}^2 = 0)$ $$\Delta T^{E} = \eta_{IP}[x(t) - H_{IP}]$$
def intrinsic_plasticity(p):
p['T_E'] = p['T_E'] + p['eta_IP'] * (p['x'] - p['H_IP'][:, None])
return p
Negative ($x<0$), large ($x>1$), and null weights are pruned after each update step. Also remove any self connections that may have been formed
def slow_adaptation(p):
p = STDP(p)
p = iSTDP(p)
p = synaptic_normalization(p)
p = structural_plasticity(p)
p = intrinsic_plasticity(p)
p['W_EE'] = tf.clip_by_value(p['W_EE'], 0.0, 1.0)
p['W_EI'] = tf.clip_by_value(p['W_EI'], 0.0, 1.0)
p['W_IE'] = tf.clip_by_value(p['W_IE'], 0.0, 1.0)
p['W_EE'] = clear_diag(p['W_EE'])
p['W_EI'] = clear_diag(p['W_EI'])
p['W_IE'] = clear_diag(p['W_IE'])
return p
Putting it all together¶
class SORN:
def __init__(self, params=None):
self.params = dict()
if params:
self.params = init_fast_params(self.params)
self.params = init_slow_params(self.params)
def __call__(self, inputs=None, T=None, logging_fn=None):
"""simulate SORN on an external input tensor shaped (T, N_E)
or zero external input for T timesteps."""
if inputs is None and T is not None:
inputs = tf.zeros((T, self.params['N_E']))
for input in tf.unstack(inputs, axis=0):
self.params['u_ext'] = input
self.params = fast_update(self.params)
self.params = slow_adaptation(self.params)
if logging_fn:
#@title plotting utilities
class Logger:
def __init__(self, T, N_E, N_I):
self.xs = tf.zeros((1, N_E))
self.ys = tf.zeros((1, N_I))
self.W_EEs = tf.zeros((1, N_E, N_E))
self.W_EIs = tf.zeros((1, N_E, N_I))
self.W_IEs = tf.zeros((1, N_I, N_E))
def logging_fn(self, params):
self.xs = tf.concat([self.xs, params['x'][None, ..., 0]], axis=0)
self.ys = tf.concat([self.ys, params['y'][None, ..., 0]], axis=0)
self.W_EEs = tf.concat([self.W_EEs, params['W_EE'][None, ...]], axis=0)
self.W_EIs = tf.concat([self.W_EIs, params['W_EI'][None, ...]], axis=0)
self.W_IEs = tf.concat([self.W_IEs, params['W_IE'][None, ...]], axis=0)
I want to try
- sampling a temperature weighted bernoili heaveside instead
- add inhibitory intristic plasticity
- unite excitatory and inhibitory neurons with single equation
First test¶
#@title this was with the default parameters
Long test¶
N_E = 200
N_I = 40
T = 10000
logger = Logger(T, N_E, N_I)
SORN(dict(N_E=N_E, N_I=N_I))(T=T, logging_fn=logger.logging_fn)
TensorShape([4634, 200])
fig, ((axes00, axes01),
(axes10, axes11)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2,
axes00.imshow(logger.xs[:200, ...])
axes01.imshow(logger.xs[-200:, ...])
axes10.imshow(logger.ys[:40, ...])
axes11.imshow(logger.ys[-40:, ...])
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.title("Means over time")
ax = plt.subplot("231")
sns.distplot(tf.reduce_mean(logger.xs, axis=-1), ax=ax)
ax = plt.subplot("232")
sns.distplot(tf.reduce_mean(logger.ys, axis=-1), ax=ax)
ax = plt.subplot("234")
ax.plot(tf.reduce_mean(logger.W_EEs, axis=[1, 2]))
ax = plt.subplot("235")
ax.plot(tf.reduce_mean(logger.W_EIs, axis=[1, 2]))
ax = plt.subplot("236")
ax.plot(tf.reduce_mean(logger.W_IEs, axis=[1, 2]))
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/seaborn/ FutureWarning: `distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in a future version. Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with similar flexibility) or `histplot` (an axes-level function for histograms). warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning) /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/seaborn/ FutureWarning: `distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in a future version. Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with similar flexibility) or `histplot` (an axes-level function for histograms). warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(logger.W_EIs, 'not')
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- InvalidArgumentError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-478-085cc02f4297> in <module>() ----> 1 tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(logger.W_EIs, 'not') /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/util/ in wrapper(*args, **kwargs) 204 """Call target, and fall back on dispatchers if there is a TypeError.""" 205 try: --> 206 return target(*args, **kwargs) 207 except (TypeError, ValueError): 208 # Note: convert_to_eager_tensor currently raises a ValueError, not a /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/ in verify_tensor_all_finite_v2(x, message, name) 68 x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") 69 with ops.colocate_with(x): ---> 70 verify_input = array_ops.check_numerics(x, message=message) 71 out = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([verify_input], x) 72 return out /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/ in check_numerics(tensor, message, name) 923 return _result 924 except _core._NotOkStatusException as e: --> 925 _ops.raise_from_not_ok_status(e, name) 926 except _core._FallbackException: 927 pass /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ in raise_from_not_ok_status(e, name) 6895 message = e.message + (" name: " + name if name is not None else "") 6896 # pylint: disable=protected-access -> 6897 six.raise_from(core._status_to_exception(e.code, message), None) 6898 # pylint: enable=protected-access 6899 /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ in raise_from(value, from_value) InvalidArgumentError: not : Tensor had NaN values [Op:CheckNumerics]
Fixed numerical stability problem¶
N_E = 200
N_I = 40
T = 1000
logger = Logger(T, N_E, N_I)
SORN(dict(N_E=N_E, N_I=N_I))(T=T, logging_fn=logger.logging_fn)
tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(logger.W_EEs, 'NaN')
tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(logger.W_EIs, 'NaN')
tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(logger.W_IEs, 'NaN')
TensorShape([1001, 200])
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.title("Means over time")
ax = plt.subplot("231")
sns.distplot(tf.reduce_mean(logger.xs, axis=-1), ax=ax)
ax = plt.subplot("232")
sns.distplot(tf.reduce_mean(logger.ys, axis=-1), ax=ax, bins=np.linspace(-0.5, 1.5))
ax = plt.subplot("233")
ax.set_title("Powerlaw on x")
powerlaw.Fit(tf.reduce_mean(logger.xs, axis=-1)).plot_ccdf()
ax = plt.subplot("234")
ax.plot(tf.reduce_mean(logger.W_EEs[25:, ...], axis=[1, 2]))
ax = plt.subplot("235")
ax.plot(tf.reduce_mean(logger.W_EIs[25:, ...], axis=[1, 2]))
ax = plt.subplot("236")
ax.plot(tf.reduce_mean(logger.W_IEs[25:, ...], axis=[1, 2]))
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/seaborn/ FutureWarning: `distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in a future version. Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with similar flexibility) or `histplot` (an axes-level function for histograms). warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning) /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/seaborn/ FutureWarning: `distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in a future version. Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with similar flexibility) or `histplot` (an axes-level function for histograms). warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning) Values less than or equal to 0 in data. Throwing out 0 or negative values Calculating best minimal value for power law fit /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide (Theoretical_CDF * (1 - Theoretical_CDF))