
  1. I find it hard to imagine OpenAI could finance a training run much over $50m. There’s probably a good reason they recently raised more capital. […] we are looking at a model with 600B-1T parameters trained on 1.5T to 4T tokens. (r/Singularity/Realistic size of GPT-4)[]

  2. GPT[3] has a vocabulary of 50257 words (The GPT-3 Architecture, on a Napkin)[]

  3. | Cloud TPU type | v4 cores | Chips | VMs | Total memory | Evaluation price (USD) | 1-year commitment price (USD) | 3-year commitment price (USD) | | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | | v4-64 | 64 | 32 | 8 | 1024 GiB | $103.04 / hour | $47,388 / month | $33,849 / month | | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | (Cloud TPU pricing #TPU Pod type pricing )[]

  4. Peak compute per chip 275 teraflops (bf16 or int8) (System Architecture # TPU v4)[]

  5. they claim that the forward pass of decoder-only Transformers involves $\approx 2N$ add-multiply operations, where $N$ is the number of non-embedding parameters in the model. (Understanding FLOPs-per-token estimates from OpenAI’s scaling laws)[]


  1. GPT4 cost $100m (1)

  2. GPT4 trained on 4T tokens (1)

  3. GPT4 uses 50k vocab size (2)

  4. 64 TPUv4 cores cost $33,849 / month at best (3)

  5. The TPUv4 provides 275 teraflops (4)

  6. GPT4 has N parameters (5)

  7. GPT4 uses 2N flops per token (5)


  1. 4T tokens (7) × 50k vocab size (8) = 2e17 bits of training data compressed into GPT4 (though many are reduntant)

  2. 2e17 bits (13) ÷ $100m (6) = 2Gb/$ training cost

  3. 4T tokens (7) ÷ $100m (6) = 40k tokens/$ training cost

  4. A TPUv4 offers 275 [teraflops / sec] (10) × 1 month ÷ $33,849 (9) = 2.12e16 flops/$

  5. 40k tokens/$ (15) ÷ (2.12e16 flops/$) (16) = 1.89e-12 training tokens / flop

  6. 1 / (1.89e-12 training tokens / flop) (17) = 5.31e13 flops / training token

  7. GPT4 uses 5.31e13 operations per training token (18)

  8. GPT4 has 5.31e13 operations / 2 [operations per parameter] = 2.65e13 parameters = 26T parameters

  9. GPT cost $100m / 26T parameters = 3.85e-6 $/param or cost 260k params/$


I am only willing to spend 4k on a NN. Based on these assumptions and implications, I could only expect to train a 1B parameter model. However, that’s assuming the same data efficiency and architecture as the decoder only transformer. I can utilize sparsity, like tok k layers, hyper recurrent architectures, and smart sampling to improve performance at smaller scales.

Update (6/29/23): George Hotz: “Sam Altman won’t tell you that GPT-4 has 220B parameters and is a 16-way mixture model with 8 sets of weights?”